Author Archives: Kassie Hauenstein

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#givingback with Beth, Karie, and the Girl Scouts

01/28/2021 by
#givingback: Spreading holiday cheer at SalesPage

#givingback: Spreading holiday cheer at SalesPage

12/22/2020 by

#givingback: Veterans Day Taps with Leward Fluty

11/25/2020 by
In our series #givingback at SalesPage, we highlight the different ways that members of our team are involved in their communities. One of our core values is passion, and we believe in the power of our people to be a positive force within their team and community. Our team member feature this month is Leward Fluty, a Senior Data Analyst at SalesPage. Leward is a lifelong trumpet player and volunteers his time and talent for Taps for Veterans. Check out this post to watch a video of Leward performing Taps at the headstone of his grandfather on Veterans Day. 

Humanergy blog feature by SalesPager Kassie Hauenstein

11/02/2020 by
For many of us, the calendar flip from September to October marked the six-month point for our new reality created by COVID-19. Fall always seems like a time for change, but the chill in the air cuts a little deeper when you realize that, on top of everything else, we are once again staring down another long winter. If you have noticed an energy shift – feeling more impatient, frustrated, or tired in recent weeks – you are not alone. Experts call this the “six-month wall,” and it is considered a normal and expected part of a transformative situation like a global pandemic.

#givingback with Ana Evans and Southwest Michigan AMA

10/28/2020 by
Our first team member feature, in our series #givingback at SalesPage, is Ana Klackle Evans, the Director of Marketing at SalesPage.